Unit 3 admission

 A 75 year old male patient came to casuality in unresponsive state since 1 hour.Patient was having fever since 10 days .


HOPI-patient was apparently -

 - asymptomatic 10days back then he had insidious onset of fever 

- low grade intermittent ,releived with medication,

- not associated with any chills and Rigors.

Yesterday morning he woke up,done his routine works and was normal till evening ,went to sleep and they tried to wake him up,as the patient was unresponsive they brought him to our hospital.

4 months back patient wide was demised ,from then he was not interacting actively with his family members and having excessive sleep 

Patient attendees are saying that patient had h/o wt loss 

Patient had h/o left sided scrotal swelling since 6 years


Past illness- 

No h/o diabetes ,HTN,Asthama ,TB and epilepsy 

Present history-

Appetite -decreased since two months 

Sleep -excess

Bowel and bladder movements -normal nd regular 

Addictions -none 

On Examination


BP-140 systolic 


RR-BLAE present



no thrills no murmurs

Per abdomen:

Non distended

Diffuse tenderness absent 

Guarding and rigidity absent


                  Right         Left 

Tone  UL.  Hyper        Hypo 

           LL.  Hypo         Hypo 

Power  UL  -                 -

             LL  -                 -


            B-   ++       ++

            T-   ++       ++

            S     ++      ++

            K-    +         -

            A-    -          -

            P- extensor extensor

Diagnosis- ? 

 Uremic encephalopathy with AKI on CKD


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